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Welcome to North Texas Game Hunts

  We offer all-inclusive free range semi-guided hunting packages for Whitetail Deer, Rio Grande Turkey, Bobwhite Quail and Feral Hogs with Early Booking Discounts, Reduced Price Teen Hunts and Free Youth Hunt packages. Whether your a single hunter or part of an entire family, you will receive a full range of individualized outfitter services so that all you have is to hunt. There are no hidden cost and no trophy or processing fees. Our outfitters will work hard for your success.

  We hunt Free-Range Whitetail Deer, Bobwhite Quail, Rio Grande Turkey and Feral Hogs in the Northern panhandle of Texas in Hemphill and Wheeler County near Allison, Texas. These counties have some highest populations of wildlife in the State with Big Bodied Whitetail Deer that average 25 to 30 or more deer per square mile. Bobwhite Quail and Rio Grande Turkey populations are healthy and exceptionally strong and of course the feral hog population is climbing faster then we can harvest them. We employ and hunt a variety of natural cover and wood lands, caultivated crops, food plots and feeder stations that attract and hold wildlife from far and wide. 

  Our Properties are equipped with Custom Built Multi Person Heated Hard Blinds, Steel Framed Soft Blinds for the Bow Hunters, Natural Barricade Blinds and the occasional Hay Bail Blinds which, are very effective. Blinds are positioned at key high ground advantage points overlooking valleys, tree lines, travel paths, creek bottoms, food plots and feeders. You also have the ability to camo up and blend into the surroundings to ambush your quarry which again, is very effective. We employ High Protein Corn and Supplement Feeders, Mineral Digs and a variety of food plots that can consist of cultivated Wheat, Milo, Sorghum, Oats, Wild Rye, Sweet Clover and other forges.

  We Provide a Variety of services which includes daily updates on animal sightings and movements so that you have first hand knowledge in the field which means a higher degree of success. Unlike the typical guided hunt, there will not be anyone standing over you indicating which animal you can or can not harvest. ( You simply hunt with in the freedom and guidelines of your hunt package ). Once you’re set, we retreat and allow you to enjoy your hunt with family or friends until are services are called upon and needed. As part of our service, we will retrieve, transport, process and store your harvest while you continue to hunt.


Wildlife Transition the terrian, food plots and feeder locations all day long and during the winter months from October to March the activity can be intense and darn right wild. When the wildlife won't coorperate we will exhaust all our knowledge and efforts to get you in the best possible location to make a connection. Keep in mind that Mother Nature can dish out some tough and unfavorable weather conditions during a hunt but, some mighty nice Bucks, Turkey and Hogs have been harvested in the middle of a blinding snow storm. Some clients will connect with in a few hours of arrival while others will generally connect by the 2nd or 3rd day of their hunt.

The Terrain Consist of Tree Lined Shelter Belts, Rolling Hills, Shallow Draws and both dry and wet Creek Valleys covered in Tall Native Grasses, Hardwoods, Cedar, Plum and Oak Thickets that host a number of feeding, breeding and bedding areas that the wildlife live and thrive in.

We Treat everyone with unconditional respect and rely on a hunter's code of hunting ethics to help create a safe and memorable hunting experience. We have over 40 years of combined hunting and outdoor experience and will work hard for your success.

The Challenge and Thrill of a Hunt Creates Memories !